We offer fully outfitted private trips and Open Scheduled Trail Rides into the Golden Trout Wilderness.
The Golden Trout Wilderness offers some great fishing and camping opportunities. Take a look at the following scheduled trail rides, or call our office to schedule a private trip .
5 days
July 6-10, 2015
Horseshoe Meadows to Horseshoe Meadows
This trip is operated by the Mt. Whitney Pack Train
The route begins at Horseshoe and continues to South Fork Kern, then
travel to our campsite Golden Trout Creek below Tunnel Meadows.
Layover days allow for rides to Little Whitney Meadows, South Fork of the Kern in Templeton/Ramshaw Meadows and
options to ride to Kern Peak and Big Whitney Meadows. We will terminate at Horseshoe Meadows.
Excellent fishing for Golden Trout.
More information on the Golden Trout Wilderness
Sequoia National Park/John Muir Wilderness
6 days
July 20-25, 2015
This trip is operated by the Mt. Whitney Pack Train
Horseshoe Meadows to Horseshoe Meadows
Pack your tackle for the ultimate Golden trout fishing adventure. Experience the subalpine beauty of
Sequoia National Park with camps at Tyndal Creek, Wallace Creek, Crabtree Meadows and Rock Creek.
For a more detailed description of the Mt. Whitney Trail Ride itinerary
click here.
For information on the rules and regulations related to fishing in California, go to the California Department of Fish and Game website at this link .
You can email us, also.
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