TRIPS 2019

We invite you to take a trip with us to explore Sequoia/Kings Canyon National Parks and the Golden Trout Wilderness.
Rock Creek Pack Station, operating as Mt. Whitney Pack Trains, offers riding and hiking trips
that allow guests the opportunity to climb Mt. Whitney from the west side. For information on the rules and regulations related to fishing in California, directions and links to maps, click here. |
5 days
June 24-28, 2019
Horseshoe Meadows to Horseshoe Meadows
This trip is operated by Rock Creek Pack Station dba as Mt. Whitney Pack Trains.
The route begins at Horseshoe and continues to South Fork Kern, then
travel to our campsite Golden Trout Creek below Tunnel Meadows.
Layover days allow for rides to Little Whitney Meadows, South Fork of the Kern in Templeton/Ramshaw Meadows and
options to ride to Kern Peak and Big Whitney Meadows. We will terminate at Horseshoe Meadows.
Excellent fishing for Golden Trout.
More information on the Golden Trout Wilderness
This trip is operated by Rock Creek Pack Station dba as Mt. Whitney Pack Trains.
Advanced Packing in the Wilderness (section 2)
6 days
June 30-July 5, 2019
This trip is operated by Rock Creek Pack Station dba as Mt. Whitney Pack Trains.
Meet at Horseshoe Meadows—a six day traveling educational pack trip into the Golden Trout Wilderness
Emphasis on moving camps, wrangling and feeding livestock on the extended wilderness pack trip.
More information on the Golden Trout Wilderness
4 days
July 4-7, 2019
This trip is operated by Rock Creek Pack Station dba as Mt. Whitney Pack Trains.
Depart from Horseshoe Meadows
Meet at Horseshoe Meadow and travel to our camp on Golden Trout Creek or Kern Peak Stringer.
We will have day rides to the top of Kern Peak and to Little Whitney Meadows. Return to Horseshoe.
More information on the Golden Trout Wilderness
Horseshoe Meadow loop trip in Golden Trout Wilderness
University Extension, UC Davis
7 days
July 14-20, 2019
This trip is operated by Rock Creek Pack Station dba as Mt. Whitney Pack Trains.
This seven-day, deluxe pack trip has been acclaimed as an outstanding adventure and educational
Topics will include:
•Wilderness conduct of people
•Trail riding safety and horse equipment
•Methods of feeding livestock in the backcountry
•Management of livestock
•Preventative medicine
•Evaluating the normal horse
•Treating a hurt or sick horse in the wilderness
•Packing equipment, fitting saddles, making loads, hitches and leading strings of mules
•Veterinary skills including physical examination, floating teeth, intramuscular/IV injections, applying wraps, animal restraint and aging horses
More information on the Golden Trout Wilderness
Call UC Davis University Extension at 1-800-752-0881 to enroll or go to
this link for more information.
7 Days
July 7-12, 2019
This trip is operated by Rock Creek Pack Station dba as Mt. Whitney Pack Trains.
This seven-day pack trip provides a unique opportunity for both novice and experienced anglers to enjoy some of the best fly fishing the High Sierra has to offer. Guests travel by horseback into remote areas of the Golden Trout Wilderness and Sequoia National Park to fish for isolated species of Golden Trout and Kern River Rainbows.
For detailed information please click HERE.
John Muir Wilderness
5 days
July 22-26, 2019
Start and end at Horseshoe Meadows
This trip is operated by Rock Creek Pack Station dba as Mt. Whitney Pack Trains.
Immerse yourself in the Natural History of the Sierra Nevada.
Join Fulbright Scholar and retired National Park Ranger Dr. Nancy Muleady-Mecham for a once in a lifetime
chance to learn all about these mountains and the nature within them. We will explore
the night sky. We’ll learn about animal adaptations, birds and mammals;
Sierra geology, glaciation, and weather; dendrochronology (the science of tree-ring dating), the mixed conifer and alpine
forests, wildflowers, fire ecology; and indigenous people through time. Bring binoculars,
cameras and your sense of wonder.
Look here for trip details.
Rock Creek Pack Station, operating as Mt. Whitney Pack Trains, offers fully outfitted pack trips for hikers and riders who want to travel into the remote Golden Trout and Sequoia National Park Wildernesses. We originate trips primarily from Horseshoe Meadows but serve guests from the Sage Flat, Sawmill, Taboose and Shepherd trail heads.
The Mt. Whitney Pack Trains portion of the Rock Creek Pack Station operates under permit by the Inyo National Forest and Sequoia Kings Canyon National Park.
You can join one of our Hiking With Pack Stock trips, that allow you to enjoy the Mt. Whitney area carrying only a day pack. Our mules will transport your gear; our cooks and wranglers will meet you at the campsites. Your meals are prepared for you and camp is ready upon your arrival. You hike and enjoy the trip, we will take care of the rest!
Trips departing from Horseshoe Meadows, originate at Cottonwood Pack Station. We park cars at the Cottonwood Pack Station parking lot. We ask that our guests utilize the public restrooms at the adjoining Equestrian campground area. Those wanting to spend the night prior to their trip at Horseshoe Meadows need to stay at the Forest Service campgrounds.
For Custom or private trips, please review these options:
All cars need to be free of food items or scented products that could attract bears. Please give your packer those items to be stored in our bear proof containers while you are on a pack trip.
There are no phones at Horseshoe Meadows. Cell service is available on the road overlooking the Owens Valley just before you enter the Cottonwood/Horseshoe Meadow area.
To contact Rock Creek Pack Station, even for Horseshoe Meadow information, please call 760-872-8331.
This is mountain travel for the hiker who wants to enjoy the wilderness for longer than his or her back can carry
the needed supplies! We prepare your food and packers break camp and move the gear to a pre-arranged spot
each day. Guests may bring 30 lbs of personal gear (includes sleeping bag) and we provide the tents,
toilet, camp chairs, tables, meals and staff for your travel in the wilderness. Join other hikers on
open hiking trips or form your own group for an all-inclusive private custom trip. We provide sample
menus and itineraries for your approval.
We can help you create a personal route, menu and ideal wilderness adventure. Call or email us to discuss your schedule and preferred itinerary.
Let us put together an open hiking trip that fits your schedule and interests, and allows you to meet and hike with others.
If you have a particular section of the John Muir Trail that you want to hike…please let us know. We offer private trips from the Onion Valley and Bishop Pass trailheads.
- Complete application form and send a 20% non-refundable deposit to hold reservations.
- Full payment due thirty days prior to starting date and is non-refundable.
- Cancellation and refund policy:
deposit and final payments within 30 days of starting date are non-refundable. Refund of payment(except deposit)is non-refundable.
Refund of payment(except deposit) will be returned only if you fill spot on trip.
No transfer of deposit or trip fee to following year for cancellations. We advise guests to purchase cancellation and trip travel
insurance if you don't want to assume risk of losing payment due to illness or family emergency.
- All rates subject to a 2% outfitter-guide fee and an 8% fee to cover regulatory changes.
- Riders over 200 pounds or who are very heavy for their height need to be approved by the pack station before
they may sign up for a trip.
- Riders cannot weigh over 240 pounds.
- The pack station needs to approve all people who have physical characteristics and disabilities that may pose a safety risk for the participant.
- Cancellation and Refund policy: deposit is non-refundable. Refund of payment (except deposit) will be returned only if you fill spot on trip.
- Advise if you need other arrangements.
- Itineraries subject to change due to unforeseen trail or weather conditions or packers discretion.
- No stock left overnight without a packer.
- No riding double.
For some beautiful photography of the Mt. Whitney area, look at
Greg Cope's Nature Focused Photography .
Call us TODAY at 760-872-8331 for a quick response to your questions.
You can email us, also.
FEES: All Trail Rides and Packing Schools are subject to a 2% USFS fee.
Horse Drives are are subject to a 3% USFS fee.
Mustang Trips are are subject to a 3% USFS fee.
Trips traveling in Yosemite National Park are subject to an additional 3% park use fee.
Trips traveling in the Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks are subject to an additional 3% park use fee.
Permits and permit monitoring fees are applied per person for trips. Permits are issued from the commercial allocation.
Rock Creek Pack Station, Inc operates under permit on the Inyo National Forest.
NOTICE: In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, and reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.)
Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.) should contact the responsible State or local Agency that administers the program or USDA?s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information is also available in languages other than English.
To file a complaint alleging discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, AD-3027 , found online at http://www.ascr.usda.gov/complaint_filing_cust.html , or at any USDA office or write a letter addressed to USDA and provided in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by: (a) mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; (b) fax: (202) 690-7442; or (c) email:program.intake@usda.gov.
USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.
Last Updated: January 7, 2025
Copyright © 2005-2025 Rock Creek Pack Station - All Rights Reserved