Day 1: Horseshoe Meadows to Lower Rock Creek. Guests arrive at 7AM at Horseshoe Meadows. After breakfast and orientation, riders travel to Cottonwood Pass and continue on the PCT to camp alongside of Rock Creek. 6 ½ hour riding time
Day 2: Lower Rock Creek to Wallace Creek . There are several good lakes for Golden Trout fishing as we ride over to the headwaters of the Kern River. Spectacular views of the Kings-Kern Divide. 4 ½ hour riding time
Day 3: Layover, explore Wallace Creek Area. Wallace Lake is one of the best Golden Trout fisheries in the Sierra.
Day 4: Wallace Creek to Crabtree Meadows…easy trail to camp in Crabtrree Meadow. A beautiful camp on the edge of the forest allows for a view of horses grazing in the meadow with Mt. Whitney in the background. (3 hours riding)
Day 5: Layover….Day to climb Mt. Whitney or explore Crabtree Lakes. We ride up the Whitney Trail to Guitar Lake. It is about a 3 ½ mile hike from where we tie the horses up to the top of Mt. Whitney (14,495). Crabtree Lakes are close to camp and are known for their large golden trout.
Day 6: Crabtree Meadows to Lower Rock Creek…heading south on the PCT the riders climb Guyot Pass. It is a dry area with one of the most magnificent Foxtail Pine Forests in the Sierra. Many of the trees are over 500 years old and the old stumps are one of the historical treasures of the Park. Rock Creek is a beautiful stream. 2 ½ hour riding
Day 7: Rock Creek to Horseshoe Meadows…the trail heads up Siberian Outpost to a scenic route at the 11,000 ft level providing expansive views of the Kern Plateau. To the north, magnificent peaks that represent the end of the high Southern Sierra are in view as we ride to Cottonwood Pass. The trip descends to Horseshoe Meadows and the Golden Trout Wilderness. (riding time 6 hours)
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